Theme Features

Theme Features

Mobile Friendly Design

Just as all our recent themes, it is completely responsive and will look good on virtually every device. The best way to see it in action is to visit the demo site with your smartphone or to resize your browser window while on the demo site.

Hassle-free Updates

With it you wont have to worry about updating the theme, notifications about new updates will come directly to your WordPress dashboard. What’s more, you’ll be able to perform the update right there inside the dashboard. Be careful though…updating will undo all your customization so be sure to back everything up first.

More than just a Blog theme

On top of being an awesome magazine theme, it can also be used to start a fancy online webstore. To enable that it is compatible with the free WooCommerce plugin. Digital, physical, variable products with WooCommerce you can sell pretty much anything.

Unlimited Colors

Instead of providing a couple of preset skins, it will allow you to define colors for things like buttons, titles, header, footer and so on. All of this is accomplished using the WordPress Customizer meaning you get to see your site change in real-time.

New Shortcodes

it comes with an extensive selection of shortcodes created using Twitter Bootstrap. Along with standard shortcodes such as alert boxes or icon lists you can also add tabs, galleries, tooltips, popovers and more. A full list of shortcodes is available on the it demo site

Other features


  • 1-click install for getting started with the theme in literally seconds
  • Fully widgetized homepage lets you control and edit almost every homepage element, even the slider!
  • Full WordPress SEO by Yoast and bbPress plugin compatibility
  • Create massive header menus using the included Mega Menu widget