Something about us!

For those that want to see the theme back-end in action we have the test site. Just as the name suggests, the site allows you to take a test drive of a specific theme in order to ultimately decide whether it will be right for the project or not. Each test site is valid for at least ten days, allowing you to thoroughly test each aspect/feature of the theme.

Who we are ?

We are a group of designers and developers working round the clock to make a difference with WordPress. Providing high quality, completely customizable Premium WordPress themes is what Templatic is all about. Our mission is to take WordPress to the next level with unparalleled e-commerce, directory and app themes.

What we do ?

We provide all types of themes depending on the needs and demands of our customers. From a simple blog to a e-Commerce website; we have it all! Many of our themes feature functionality not available anywhere else. Not only that, many of our themes paved the way for entire niches. Perhaps the best examples of that are GeoPlaces and iPhone App. If you have an idea for a cool WordPress theme, let us know! To view our selection of WordPress themes please visit our Theme Gallery.

[templatic_msg_box type=’success’] Resize your browser window or better yet open this demo site in your mobile device to see the responsive design in action ![/templatic_msg_box]

Our Approach

Approach to Theme Design is another aspect which sets Templatic apart from many other companies. Each theme released has been created with the potential visitor in mind. Business sites tend to have a more professional look while modern directories often display vivid colors with lots of dynamic content. All of this is reflected in our theme’s designs.

Ever Growing Community

Templatic community forum is a truly unique support system. It’s a place where members can share their experiences, communicate with other members and request professional support from Templatic agents. The system enables those that require assistance to get it quickly and efficiently while still providing lots of content (and discussions) for those that want to be active inside the community. As a reward to those that go out of their way to help others we give out free themes to active members each month!
Templatic community forum is a truly unique support system. It’s a place where members can share their experiences, communicate with other members and request professional support from Templatic agents. The system enables those that require assistance to get it quickly and efficiently while still providing lots of content (and discussions) for those that want to be active inside the community. As a reward to those that go out of their way to help others we give out free themes to active members each month!
Templatic community forum is a truly unique support system. It’s a place where members can share their experiences, communicate with other members and request professional support from Templatic agents. The system enables those that require assistance to get it quickly and efficiently while still providing lots of content (and discussions) for those that want to be active inside the community. As a reward to those that go out of their way to help others we give out free themes to active members each month!

Widgetized Home page

The whole home page of Supreme wordpress theme is widget ready !

Widget ready home page!

WordPress Widgets add content and features to your sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for post categories, tag clouds, navigation, search, etc. Plugins will often add their own widgets.

Widgets were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress Theme to the user, which is now available on properly ”widgetized” WordPress Themes to include the header, footer, and elsewhere in the WordPress design and structure.

Example of the WordPress Widget Panel

Widgets require no code experience or expertise. They can be added, removed, and rearranged on the WordPress Administration Appearance > Widgets panel. The order and placement is set by the WordPress Theme in the functions.php file.

Some WordPress Widgets offer customization and options such as forms to fill out, includes or excludes of data and information, optional images, and other customization features.

The Widgets SubPanel explains how to use the various Widgets that come delivered with WordPress.

Plugins that come bundled with widgets can be found in the WordPress Plugin Directory .

The Widget menu will only appear of your Theme has active widgetized sidebars. If it does, you can add widgets by:

  • Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  • Choose a Widget and drag it to the sidebar where you wish it to appear. There might be more than one sidebar option, so begin with the first one. Once in place, WordPress automatically updates the Theme.
  • Preview the site. You should find that the ”default” sidebar elements are now gone and only the new addition is visible.
  • Return to the Widgets Panel to continue adding Widgets.
  • To arrange the Widgets within the sidebar or Widget area, click and drag it into place.
  • To customize the Widget features, click the down arrow in the upper right corner to expand the Widget”s interface.
  • To save the Widget”s customization, click Save.
  • To remove the Widget, click Remove or Delete.
  • If you change WordPress Themes, the Widgets will return to the left side of the page in the Widget Archives or Available Widgets list. You may need to add them again and rearrangement depending upon the Theme”s ability to preserve other Theme”s Widgets.

The whole home page of Supreme wordpress theme is widget ready !

WordPress Widgets add content and features to your sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for post categories, tag clouds, navigation, search, etc. Plugins will often add their own widgets.

Widgets were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress Theme to the user, which is now available on properly ”widgetized” WordPress Themes to include the header, footer, and elsewhere in the WordPress design and structure.

Example of the WordPress Widget Panel

Widgets require no code experience or expertise. They can be added, removed, and rearranged on the WordPress Administration Appearance > Widgets panel. The order and placement is set by the WordPress Theme in the functions.php file.

Some WordPress Widgets offer customization and options such as forms to fill out, includes or excludes of data and information, optional images, and other customization features.

The Widgets SubPanel explains how to use the various Widgets that come delivered with WordPress.

Plugins that come bundled with widgets can be found in the WordPress Plugin Directory .

The Widget menu will only appear of your Theme has active widgetized sidebars. If it does, you can add widgets by:

  • Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  • Choose a Widget and drag it to the sidebar where you wish it to appear. There might be more than one sidebar option, so begin with the first one. Once in place, WordPress automatically updates the Theme.
  • Preview the site. You should find that the ”default” sidebar elements are now gone and only the new addition is visible.
  • Return to the Widgets Panel to continue adding Widgets.
  • To arrange the Widgets within the sidebar or Widget area, click and drag it into place.
  • To customize the Widget features, click the down arrow in the upper right corner to expand the Widget”s interface.
  • To save the Widget”s customization, click Save.
  • To remove the Widget, click Remove or Delete.
  • If you change WordPress Themes, the Widgets will return to the left side of the page in the Widget Archives or Available Widgets list. You may need to add them again and rearrangement depending upon the Theme”s ability to preserve other Theme”s Widgets.